You are reading an old version of this documentation. If you want up-to-date information, please have a look at 2024.12 .Vibration decoupling
Incorrect assembly of Asycube, camera(s), robot(s) and hopper(s) may compromise final system performance. To ensure the good behavior of a system, it is necessary to avoid that all the involved devices can interfere with each other.
Hoppers provided by Asyril are already equipped with vibration isolators so that hopper vibration is not transmitted to other peripherals.
Decoupling of moving devices
If several moving devices have to be assembled in parallel, and close to each other, it is necessary to “decouple the vibrations”, to avoid that behavior of any product is disturbed by the movement of others.

To avoid backfeeding of vibrations it is therefore recommended to provide specific support for each device. When this solution is not applicable, vibration decoupling can be achieved through anti-vibration technologies (e.g. vibration isolators [1]).
Vibration isolators solution is only applicable to Asycube 240, 380 and 530.

The mass [M] and dimensions [AxB] of the support are summarized in: Support characteristics The vibration isolator [1] details are summarized in: Vibration isolators details
Increase the mass of the base support to avoid the integration of the vibration isolators does not ensure that the spread vibrations will be completely dampen-out.

When mounting vibration isolators they should be mounted outside of the Asycube footprint. Using a mass between the Asycube and the vibration isolators is mandatory (see Support characteristics for more information on the mass to be used for each Asycube). not following this practice could irreparably damage the Asycube and would void the warranty.

Fig. 210 Vibration isolator (round buffer) positioning
Decoupling of the camera
It is important that the camera is not perturbed by the vibration of Asycube or by any other moving device. If the vision system is “disturbed” by residual vibrations, the coordinates sent to the robot will not be reliable, thus compromising the precision of the whole system. Therefore, it is recommended not to install Asycube and camera on the same support. When this solution is not applicable, be sure to fix the camera on a rigid and heavy enough support to prevent back-feeding of vibrations into surrounding devices.