Mechanical integration

To ensure good vibration behavior the Asycube must be correctly fixed on a support specifically defined for the application. An incorrect installation of the Asycube could compromise the performances of the product.

Asycube position on support and support characteristics

The Asycube must be fixed either on a rigid support screwed to the ground or on a “free” heavy support. The Asycube should not be placed on the edge of support. For the second application the mass [M] and the dimensions [AxB] of the support must be large enough to absorb the vibrations generated by the feeder. These mass and dimensions are summarized in:

Support characteristics


Fixing the Asycube on its support

The Asycube must be properly screwed on the support. The quantity of screws necessary to fix the base plate of the Asycube and the screws dimensions are summarized in: Screws detail
