
これは、古いバージョンのドキュメントです。 最新の情報をご覧になりたい場合は、次をご覧ください 2024.12 .

K - Set backlight state




  • state - Requested state of the backlight

    • 0 - turns the backlight off

    • 1 - turns the backlight on

    • F - turns the backlight on for a predefined duration, see WP101 - Set flash duration to set the flash duration.


K<state>, where

  • <state> is the requested state of the backlight

    • 0 - backlight off

    • 1 - backlight on

    • F - backlight on for predefined duration


This command set the state of the backlight.


For Asycube 50 and 80, the activation of the backlight is limited to 30 seconds. If this limit is reached an alarm is triggered, see RP4 - Get alarm.

Usage Example

In the example below, the backlight is turned on.

Command : K1
Response : K1

In the example below, the backlight is turned on for 50 ms.

Command : WP101=50
Command : KF
Response : KF

In the example below, the backlight is turned off.

Command : K0
Response : K0