これは、古いバージョンのドキュメントです。 最新の情報をご覧になりたい場合は、次をご覧ください 2024.12 .BA - Set hopper vibration
duration - Duration of the vibration
if set to 0, the vibration will continue forever, until it is stopped by a command such as HB
if set to a value between 1 and 30000 ms, the vibration will last for the specified amount of time
if the parameter is not specified, it will vibrate for the time configured in Asycube Studio, refer to 振動の持続時間の設定
, where
is the total duration required to perform the requested vibration duration (communication time not included)
For the users of Asycube 50 and 80, the effective vibration duration always corresponds to the value requested in the command. However, the duration value returned in the response depends on different conditions. Please refer to vibration timing for more details.
Use this command to vibrate the hopper or activate an output with a specific duration. The hopper vibration can be edited in Asycube Studio, refer to the Recipe Wizard Hopper vibration.
During an on-going vibration, use the command ?44 - Get hopper remaining duration to get its remaining duration.
Usage Example
In the first example below, the duration is 100 ms. In the response a duration of 60 ms is added as explained in vibration timing.
command : BA100
response : BA00160
In the second example below, the selected vibration type is A and the parameter duration is not specified. The hopper vibrates for the time configured in Asycube Studio (100ms in this case).
Command : BA
Response : BA00160
In this last example, the selected vibration type is A and it vibrates forever. Command HB can be used to stop the vibration.
Command : BA0
Response : BA00000