
これは、古いバージョンのドキュメントです。 最新の情報をご覧になりたい場合は、次をご覧ください 2024.12 .

Recipe management

Here are presented all the available commands that can be sent to the Asycube for the recipe management. These commands can be sent via ターミナル or from your robot/PLC through Asycube's Ethernet port (TCP/IP).

What is a recipe ?

A recipe contains the platform and hopper vibration parameters and the vibration sequence for a specific part. The Asycube can store 26 different recipes with the 26th being the original one that cannot be overwritten. Use Asycube Studio レシピウィザード to configure your recipe(s).

How Asycube stores and loads recipes ?

The 26 recipes are stored on a non-volatile memory and the Asycube can only contain the recipe being used in its volatile memory. At start-up, the Asycube automatically loads the last selected recipe from its non-volatile memory. When the user selects another recipe with the UR - Set recipe, the Asycube loads the selected recipe by overwriting the previously selected recipe. The time needed to load a new recipe from the non-volatile memory is approximately 0.3 seconds.


All modifications made before selecting another recipe are lost if the user do not save the recipe. Use Asycube Studio レシピウィザード to configure and save your recipe.


Every 20 minutes, several parameters as statistics are saved automatically. If the user tries to save during this on-going process, his command will be refused until the automatic saving is finished.