You are reading an old version of this documentation. If you want up-to-date information, please have a look at 2024.12 .Danger
The Backlight from the Asycube 50/80 is not constructed to be used permanently. Please switch off the illumination after image acquisition. There is an auto-switch OFF after 30 seconds of timeout. If this timeout is not respected there is a risk of damaging irreparably the backlight. The duty cycle must stay below 33% (30s ON, 60s OFF).

The Asycube integrated backlight belongs to risk group 2 according to the norm EN 62471. Hazardous optical radiation are possibly emitted from this product. Do not stare at the operating lamp. May be harmful to the eye.
Refer to power connection for more information on how to use the S-power (safety power) for backlight.

The active elements into the Asycube make the surfaces shown on the picture heating up to 45°C in nominal use. This temperature can nevertheless increase to 55°C in extreme use.

It is the responsibility of customers to document their own application and instruct employees on procedures to avoid contact with these surfaces.
Sound level
This section only concern the users of Asycube 380/530.
The sound level of the Asycube during intensive use without components on the platform is less than 72 dB. Depending on the components distributed on the platform, the sound level may be higher. In this case, it is the customer’s or integrator’s responsibility to implement the necessary measures to meet the safety requirements for operators.