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P - Set purge state




  • state - State of the purge

    • 0 - to close the purge

    • 1 - to open the purge


P<state>, where

  • <state> is the requested state of the purge

    • 0 - closing of the purge

    • 1 - opening of the purge


This command allows to open or close the purge mechanism


The purge mechanism takes about 3 seconds to open or close. We advise to use at least this duration for a purge action. Use the command P? to get the status of the purge.


When using the purge functionality for the first time, the feature first needs to be enabled.

Usage Example

The example below starts the purge opening. The opening or closing lasts about 3 seconds.

Command : P1
Response : P1

A more detailed example of the use of the purge is described in Purge cycle.