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EF - Execute feeding




  • vibration - Vibration type (only type A vibration should be used)

  • N_parts - Number of parts on the platform

  • N_parts_limit - Number limit of parts on the platform


EF:(vibration;N_parts;N_parts_limit;duration), where

  • <vibration> is the vibration type

  • <N_parts> is the number of parts on the platform

  • <N_parts_limit> is the number limit of parts on the platform

  • <duration> is the feeding duration


This smart action is used for feeding new parts on the Asycube’s picking zone based on data from a vision system. This command triggers a feeding vibration that automatically adjust the duration of the vibration based on the number of parts detected on the platform <N_parts> and the optimal number of parts on the platform <N_parts_limit> given in the command. Refer to Number of parts for smart feeding.

The optimal number of parts and the maximal vibration duration are configured in a recipe. Use Asycube Studio Recipe Wizard to Anpassen der Einstellungen der intelligenten Beschickung.

The resulting duration of the feeding is given in the response. During an on-going feeding, use the command ?44 - Get hopper remaining duration to get its remaining duration.

Usage Example

Let’s assume that the maximum vibration duration has been set to 1000 ms and the optimal number of parts on the platform for the application is 110 (refer to Anpassen der Einstellungen der intelligenten Beschickung). When the vision system reported 0 parts on the picking zone, the following command must be sent:

Command : EF:(A;0;110)
Response : EF:(A;0;110;01000)

Since no part where detected on the picking area, the resulting vibration duration corresponds to the maximum vibration duration of 1000 ms.

Let’s assume the vision system detects now 55 parts on the picking zone, the following command must be sent:

Command : EF:(A;55;110)
Response : EF:(A;55;110;00500)

The resulting vibration duration is half the maximum vibration duration as the picking area is already half full, that is 500 ms.